Paying for healthy food! Yikes! This can seem overwhelming. In fact, from my research and from talking with many people, it seems that this is one of the top reasons why people claim to not be able to eat good-for-them food. However, I’d like to show you how this is an illusion. It really is possible!
1. God always provides.
God has promised to supply our every need, and certainly one of the ways He does this is by creating good food for us to enjoy (Genesis 1:29-31). He asks us to follow His principles for sound financial management, however.
Simply, are you giving back the first fruits of all that you have to Him? Scripture supports giving the first 10% to God, offerings from the heart of all that we have. We are to be hospitable and to help the poor, the widows, and the orphans. Read Deuteronomy 28 and Malachi 3:8-12.
Secondly, do you spend your money on your “lusts”? James 4 says that we can ask the Father for anything we need, but it warns us not to ask “amiss,” that we may “consume it on our lusts.” If you sincerely ask the Father to give you wisdom in your spending, being willing to confess any areas of sin that He reveals to you, He will surely answer.
Finally, determine what your grocery budget is and decide that you’ll stick to it.
2. Satan steals, kills, and destroys.
Yeshua says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Satan truly desires to steal from you, to kill you, and to destroy your health and all other good things that are yours.
This simple principle has been so helpful to me as I shop. When I see a processed food that might be cheaper than an organic alternative, I ask myself this question: “Would this rob me of my health?” If so, I know it is of the devil, and that God wants to protect me from this.
On the other hand, maybe I’m deciding between two good choices, one of which claims to be better but is out of my budget. Again, the devil wants to steal. Can I be content with the less expensive, yet healthful, choice?
3. Don’t buy what you can make.
Hard work is good for us! It might not seem like it, but God gave Adam the job of tending the garden before the fall and before the curse. Yes, the curse has made work much harder and more difficult. But work is still good, and our attitudes can make all the difference.
It also helps to think of the fun side-effects of working in the kitchen. If you have children, it is fun to put an apron on both of you, pull up a stool so they can see what you’re doing, and even whistle while you work. You will be training them in good character and righteousness, and they will be thrilled to eat what they have had a part in making.
So don’t buy what you can make. Can you buy bread? Yes, but at several dollars a loaf (for the good stuff), why should you? Learn to make it at home. You only need flour, water, a touch of salt — and your two hands. It’s a fun process, and it’s rewarding to make bread you’ve made yourself. Your home will also smell divine!
Can you buy pancake mix? Yes, but don’t be silly! It would only save you a few minutes of time. Set up your kitchen efficiently and learn to work quickly. Put on a praise song, and have a great time.
Can you buy soup? Yes, but the homemade version is SO inexpensive and is very, very good for you.
Can you buy expensive herbals and vitamins and a whole host of supplements? Yes, but tea made at home is cheaper and better for you. Vitamins obtained from the foods you eat will be better absorbed by your body, and of course they are much cheaper. Reducing my purchases in this one area has saved me more than any other thing! Don’t be fooled. A corporation can never exceed the quality of the food in your own kitchen.
Make a list of all the processed and convenience foods that you enjoy. Purchase Nourishing Traditions, and learn to make those things from scratch. It’s not as hard as you’d think — I promise! As you make more and more foods at home, you’ll see your budget begin to go down.
4. Learn to be content with simple things.
This step has saved us the most money. Don’t think that you must eat fancy food. Don’t feel you must follow the prescribed menus listed in health books. Eat simple food, prepared with love in your own kitchen, and be content.
When you ask the Father to bless the food before you pray, do you really mean it? Are you truly thankful? If you had been in the crowd of 5,000 who came to listen to Yeshua, would you have been content with fish and bread? I Timothy 4:4-5 says, “For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”
I should also remind you that you should never compare your spending ability with those you see around you. Satan would love to plant seeds of discontent in your mind. Rather than worrying or grumbling, resolve to let thankfulness rule in your kitchen and your heart.
5. Good, better, best.
As you’re just beginning to eat right, you may be tempted to spend more than you have. Don’t be fooled! Don’t allow Satan to steal from you! Pay cash only, and be patient as you build your skills, your pantry, and your equipment.
In the meantime, you may not own a fancy grain mill to grind your own wheat. God still says bread is good for you. Purchase the best quality wheat flour you can afford from the store, and be content. Do not over-extend yourself to get the best until God provides the money for it. (Of course, you can bring your requests with confidence before Him!)
Can’t afford organic vegetables and fruits? Buy the best you can and scrub it. This principle holds true for all foods. Learn to be content, and learn to accept the bounty the Father has given you, always waiting expectantly for Him to provide all good things to you.
Next time, we’ll talk about how to make time for preparing your own food at home.