Actually, “cleaning out” should be more of a process than a day on your calendar when you ruthlessly fill garbage cans. It might be wiser (and easier on your checkbook) to simply finish what’s in your pantry. The only exceptions would be the foods that God has specifically asked us not to eat, although that would have to be your personal decision. Another exception would be if you have serious health problems and need to quickly regain your health.
Do you still have an X on all the bad food in your cupboards? You’ve probably already found that it’s hard to buy more of it. So you’ve probably already begun the elimination process.
But some of the foods that have an X on them are gone because — well, you ate them! And maybe you bought some more. 🙂
The difference between the changes you’ve already made and the changes that are harder… is motivation.
As a review, let’s remind ourselves of some of the foods we want to clean out:
- Unclean foods listed in Leviticus 11
- Any commercially processed foods
- Foods that contain hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated fats
- Foods that contain refined sweeteners
- Pasteurized, homogenized dairy products
- White flour and white rice
- Rancid vegetable oils
- Factory-produced meat or eggs
- Improperly prepared seeds and grains
- Non-organic fruits and vegetables
- Caffeine-containing foods
- Fluoride and chlorine-containing fluids (mostly tap water)
- Synthetic vitamins
- The microwave oven
- Chemical-laden home and body care products
Motivation to change how we eat comes when we repeatedly go back to the list and remember why they aren’t good for us. Sometimes motivation comes when we repeatedly feel aches and pains, fatigue or illness, and we remember why we have those symptoms.
Either way, remembering why is a major help in cleaning out the junk. For the long run.
As you clean out, remind yourself that foods have a “good, better, and best” quality. Get the junk out, then do the best you can from there. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember that this is a process that takes time!
Finally, before you clean out, be sure you have a plan for what you’ll eat instead! Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for disaster.
I’d love to help! Surely I can help with the weekly motivation, or by pointing you to resources that will help you know why. My weekly e-zine is a great place to start.
P.S. What changes are harder for you to make than others?